Monday, November 16, 2009

Why dont blue colored eyes have any pigment in them?

well i need this for my bio homework

why dont blue eyes have any pigment in them,then what is it that is giving it a blue colour?

i need this info immediately thanxs

Why dont blue colored eyes have any pigment in them?
Blue-coloured eyes DO have pigment in them. If you want to see what eyes without pigment look like, consult and albino. Albinos cannot produce any pigment at all... their eyes look pink.

Now, there are lots of different pigments that the body uses. Blue eyes don't have any BROWN or GREEN pigment. But they definitely have some blue.
Reply:Blue eyes are relatively common throughout Europe, especially in Northern Europe, including the northern Baltics and in East Central Europe.Blue eyes contain low amounts of melanin within the iris stroma; longer wavelengths of light tend to be absorbed by the underlying iris pigment epithelium and shorter wavelengths are reflected and undergo Rayleigh scattering.

Blue eyes are found mainly in people of northern European and eastern European descent, and to a lesser extent, in people of southern Europe, the Middle East and Central Asia, most commonly in people who live at higher elevations [citation needed]. South Asians may also have blue eyes, but this is uncommon, except amongst Pathans in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India. It also occurs in other Indians and Pakistanis, generally in highest percentages among Punjabiis - though even then it is not exactly common. Finland and Lithuania have the highest proportions of blue-eyed people, with at least 80% in both countries respectively. Ireland and Great Britain also have high proportions of blue eyes, with estimates of around 70% for Ireland and about 65% for Britain. Many white babies are born with blue eyes, though their eyes darken, or change color, with time. Most infants' eye color will set within a couple of days to a couple of weeks, though some people's will continue to change for a number of years.

A blue-green human eye.Blue eyes are associated with blond hair, and nearly everyone with naturally blond hair has some form of blue eyes.[citation needed] This is due to the fact that the gene for blue eyes is very close to the gene for blond hair on a DNA strand; therefore, they(blond hair and blue eyes) are often inherited together.[citation needed]

Blue is the color of the indole monomer that when polymerised forms melanin[citation needed]. If both alleles for brown eyes (a polymerase gene) are absent or damaged, the blue color remains. Hence blue eye color is a recessive trait.

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