Friday, November 20, 2009

What happens to beetroot pigment at 80C?

typically, the colour of the solution gets darker as temperature increases, but at 80C it gets lighter...

someone please explain why???

What happens to beetroot pigment at 80C?
The answer to this is quite simple, especially if you are measuring colour on a colorimeter.

The purple pigment is actually denatured at higher temperatures, above 60-70 degrees. When the purple pigment is denatured it produces a yellow chemical instead of the purple colour you have been observing.

If you are using a spectrometer or colorimeter then it is set to measure a specific wavelength and therefore recognises the yellow colour to be much more clear than the purple pigment! (the change in colour will result in a lower absorbance at that wavelength and so the numbers decrease).

Hope this is enough info for you!

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